Access to the Online Parish Directory is limited to adult and teen members and catechumens of St. Anthony Orthodox Church. You must register (have an "account" set up) and be approved by the parish to log in.
If your account has been set up and approved, sign in by entering your email and your password, below.
If you have not yet accessed the online directory, please click "create account." You will be asked to provide your email address, name and contact information, and a password that you create. You should receive an email notifying you if your request for access to the directory has been granted; otherwise, check back again after a while and try to log in normally (do not try to create an account once you've already done so). Once approved, you can log in as outlined above. Please note that our approval process is manual and on an individual basis, so it is not automatic nor instantaneous. This ensures security for our parish information.
For more information, read these quick notes for using the Online Parish Directory.
Note: When you create "an account," you are simply notifying the Administrator of the parish directory who you are. The information you supply is not used elswehere, nor is it passed on to any other person or entity.