Help Us Build A New Temple To The Glory Of God
Around 1994 a few individuals and families gathered in home living rooms for reader services. The Orthodox mission group moved to various locations to accommodate the growth: the basements of St. James Episcopal Church and Belgrade First Interstate Bank, Rocky Mountain Supply’s balcony and the Belgrade Senior Center where in 2001 Fr. Peter Tobias became the part-time priest. Newlyweds Sean & Heidi’s apartment and then MSU’s Christus Collegum became temporary worship spaces for two years, followed by a yearly rental in Four Corners.
We are building a temple with a capacity of 280 people. Construction will be accomplished in phases.
Phase 1:
In the spring of 2024, we plan to start site research, preliminary excavation and a bathroom expansion.
Phase 2:
In the summer of 2024, we plan to to dig footings and pour concrete for the foundation, and then erect exterior ICCF walls, and we hope to dry in the temple frame.
Phase 3:
We plan to proceed as funding allows, to complete the rest of the project: framing of remaining walls, roofing, pouring the slab, interior finish work and possible other projects.
Our goal with this fundraising drive is to achieve 100% participation from our parish. Every donation helps, even “two mites.” (Mk 12:42-44) We want everyone to have a “brick” in the building. Please prayerfully fill out the pledge card, place it in a sealed envelope and return it to the box in the church hall. Donations will be accepted in the form of checks (write TEMPLE BUILD to the memo line), through Paypal and eventually Venmo.